Tuesday, May 6, 2008

.,Pieces of ME.

These are the pieces of me.,.

These are the people who make me complete.,

These are the people who make me smile and live life to the fullest..

and they are what I call...MY SUCCESS.,


They're the best parents in the world..I may not be that expressive about me feelings towrds them.,but a simple thank you and i love you from me is quite enough.,i guess.,for all the hardships they've been through just to give all the things that i need.,..huhu.,thanx a lot.,LOVE YOU both nanay and tatay!!!mwuah.,

My One and Only Brother

We may not be that close but I still love my "manong Boyet" so much.,ehe.,this picture is a bit ugly but it's all i have in my files.,ehe.,


My laluvz..,hehehe.,what more do i have to say.,??? He's simply my life.,!!!
I love you so much luvz.,
It may sound "korny" but that's life.,you become korny when you fall inLOVE.,right?


Although we're not sometimes complete in attendance.,we still do manage to have outings.,forums.,and sleep-overs just to update ourselves with the latest issues and "chikas" involving ourselves.,.and also to keep our friendship strong all the time...we always have an open forum to discuss critical issues and everything else under the sun.,hahaha.,(mga tae jud.,)

.ShuBEO Burgersz

My ever funny and "ki-atan" friends and classmates.,!!!HAHAHA.,
GO ABEO.,GO English Majors.,(iro jud.,)



flipt said...

waaahhh!!! happy fiesta steeltown! aw... lechon lami!! haha... parteeeeihhh... nag-enjoy naman ako nang akoy mamista riyan sa inyong lugar, amega. sa susunod ulit. aw.

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