Summer days are over.,beach and pool times also over.,
It's back to school guys...and I just love it sooo much.
Some may definitely hate to go back to school because of paper works, library works and etc., count me in too.,
But what I love most about being back to school is that I get to see the faces of my beloved classmates and friends again. I get to hug and kiss them for the long vacation that separated us apart for more than a month.
It's so nice to hear their stories and watch their faces full of joy and satisfaction from all the summer escapades they've been through. And it really lightens up my mood.
It's nice to see them so happy and full of life like never before.,
The best thing about summer vacation is that you get to collect memories and moments of how you spent the whole vacation desperately.,.and get to share them with the people close to your heart.,
It's like being born again in a new world., with people embracing you and your story.,.
willing to listen and hear from you.,
That is what I love about summer,.and that is what I love about school.,..
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Summer and School
Posted by
12:36 AM
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Dockers Everywhere
You would really find a variety of things to shop over this place. There are clothes for both men and women of all ages, you'd also be informed of the latest trends for the upcoming season and many other things that will so gonna make your eyes pop-out.
But wait a minute, did you know that Dockers is now on a very interesting contest? Yes! It is a video contest wherein you and your friends can participate. This is for everybody else out there who are very much willing to show-off their directing skills in making a commercial about Dockers. This contest is basically about the people who are so crazy about the products of Dockers and most especially their experiences in wearing this brand of clothing. Isn't it so easy and so interesting? So guys, what are you waiting for?...grab your video camera and set a meeting with your friends for the planning of your video commercial. It's still never too late to let your skills come out. And if you're lucky enough to win, your video will get the chance to be aired on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno". And as for me, my most favorite video yet is this video from shd0728 entitled 'We Speak Your Language'.
So guys, just give it your big creative,be unique and most especially be original in making your Dockers video commercial and submit it to Dockers contest for a chance to show to the world your own video commercial. But if you don't have an entry for this contest, you could still participate by voting for your favorite video commercial.
Visit Dockers now!
Dockers contest

Posted by
2:19 AM
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Somewhere Down There
I hate those people who would really do anything just to put others down.
Those people who are so much capable of fabricating and making stories…
Those who are so unfeeling and cold and heartless…
I wonder why they would exert so much effort just to destroy somebody with all the false stories and dreadful fabrications they’ve made-up.
What do they get from doing such?
Do they feel happy to destroy somebody else’s reputation?
Do they feel lucky and genius enough to have invented such lies?
I really have no idea!
I just feel sorry for them…
I wrote this post, honestly, because of some issues that I’ve been going through from these insecure and unfeeling individuals who always seem to be ready to stab my back with their terrible trumped-up stories.
At first, I really felt bad about their issues but later on…I got to realize that they’re just part of the world God has created…and basically they belong to the underworld part of God’s creation. They belong somewhere down there….and obviously…we all know it as HELL!!!
Posted by
3:39 AM
Sunday, May 18, 2008
I am in Social SPARK!
Isn’t it amazing to earn money by just simply using your writing skill?
There have been lots of opportunities lately that could probably help a student like me earn extra money just by simply browsing the net and finding job opportunities.
Joining communities in order to have topics to write about is what I’m after to, and SocialSpark is the most dependable marketplace available. It is a community where bloggers are given the chance to showcase their writing abilities and be able to widen their knowledge on their assigned topics to write about. And another brilliant thing about SocialSpark is that it enables bloggers to make friends and stay connected with other people from other countries making them closer to each other even if their across oceans and seas.
SocialSpark also has its own code of ethics in order to attract those individuals interested in joining their community:
-100% Audit-able In-Post Disclosure
-100% Transparency
-100% Real Opinions
-100% Search Engine Friendly
The feature that I really like most about SocialSpark is that it allows its users to leave messages, add friends, prop other users as well and most especially it gives its users job opportunities that really are plentiful.
Below is the screenshot of SocialSpark’s homepage:
Earn and have extra money by just simply using your skill in writing.
SocialSpark is the best place to live your dream and it's the best place to meet new people and faces from all over the world.
Don't hesitate to join and be apart of the community.

Posted by
12:43 AM
Labels: xoxo.socialspark
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
It always rains every afternoon here in our place. Yet, I don’t find it annoying. It even gives me joy and pleasure.
I love the rain so much that every time it rains really hard, I would go outside and feel the raindrops on my head.,on my face and all over my body..(*raindrops keep falling on my head..lalala.)
And just last Monday, I was able to play with the rain again and while I’m soaking wet, I was actually eating and sucking a lollipop…(hehe).I felt like a kid that time—I always get this feeling every time it rains.
I don’t want to sing that famous song “RAIN…RAIN GO AWAY... come again another DAY”…coz I don’t want the rain to go…I want it to stay and play with me...
Posted by
1:20 AM
Labels: xoxo.
Approved by Payperpost
My blog just got approved by Payperpost!
PayPerPost is an online marketplace where bloggers, photographers, and other content creators find advertisers willing to sponsor and pay for any types of content or topics. It is an amazing way of making use of one's writing skills and at the same time earning money out of it.
I consider PayPerPost as very essential for it allows students like me to earn money by just writing and expressing our ideas out of words. It is a good instrument for us, most especially for me because I could easily earn money at the same time it enhances my writing skills on certain contents available at hand.
I learned about PayPerPost just this year from a friend's friend. He actually told me that blogging is the best way to earn money especially with the help of PayPerPost. I was then so thrilled by the idea of having to use my skill in writing, but what really excited me most was the idea of earning money. I actually made my blog with the help of some friends who were already experienced bloggers and good writers.
Another amazing thing about having a blog is that you get to make friends with other people from other places. It is so much amazing that with having PayPerPost around; connecting with these people from other countries is so much uncomplicated and trouble-free. We actually have this bonded thing with each other for they are also bloggers who are earning money with the help of PayPerPost.
Hopefully, if I would be able to earn and get the enough money I need, I would, with no hesitations, treat my mom and my whole family out and not be forgotten-- my friends.
By having PayPerPost around, communicating and connecting with other people from other countries would be a lot easier. And I would also be able to continue to develop my skill in writing therefore giving me a very big opportunity to share to everyone anything and everything I love to write about.
Posted by
1:14 AM
Labels: PPP
Thursday, May 8, 2008
This testimonial is for Philip Hope Pequero Mamugay.
I made this with such big effort to show him how I value our relationship so much.
NO..NO...we are not in an intimate relationship.
We are just friends...close friends.
often reads and views our blogs.
You guys may think that we're just pretending to be sweet and friendly with each other...NO...NO...
We're not enemies...we're friends with each other.
We may always stab each other's back using our blogs by posting ugly and horrible pictures and sharing to the world some dreadful infos about each other's life.,but I assure you.,it is just our way of showing that our friendship has no limitations..
I even feel so lucky to have him as a friend.
His witty, smart..intelligent, understanding, and most of all very behave and refine.
What more could I ask for.,?
But you may think I'm envious of him.
Huh?!!! Of course not!
What should I be jealous of?
I may not be that smart as he is, but I could, fortunately, answer questions from our test without having to ask the answers from him...but some answers, I admit, do come from neighborhood of course.!! bwahahaha,.
I maybe not be that witty and quick like him but believe me.,often times, I always do get the meaning of the text or message 99.9% faster than he does. I can sooo prove that.,.!!! I can even perform simple and easy things unlike him. Just like the HEY PI-BERTDAY stuff!!! bwahahahahahaha.,!!!
I really don't see any reason why I need to be envious of PHILIP HOPE PEQUERO MAMUGAY. I have something that he doesn't have that he really..really wants to have and he would even die for it...hahahahaha...that would be my WOM**HO*D!!!
See? Our friendship really has no limitations.
We don't really stab each other that hard...that's the secret of our strong-bonded friendship!
Lastly, I made this especially for PEQUERO MAMUGAY to share and show to everyone how lucky I am to have him as a friend!!!
I hope Flipt this very simple and short testimonial of mine soothes your heart and soul...soul...soul.,.
* (you see that spot over there.,??? It's where I had the accident.......and DIED..aaaaAHHHHH!!!)
* (from youtube-keyword: teresa fidalgo...pls do watch this's really nice! It's one of Philip's favorite).,
Posted by
3:03 AM